One approach to unique business benefits sculpting

At GCI we encourage executives and managers to balance their mind-space time between thinking “business” and thinking “enabling organisation”. Our rationale is that optimum business results can only be delivered by excellent people and an effective “organisation” of resource utilisation.

To some extent, the organisation design “blueprint” sets a hardly noticeable “glass ceiling” to business performance.

Our efforts focus on Organisation Effectiveness (OE) with a strong emphasis on Organisation Design (OD) and its seamless integration with Enterprise Architecture (EA).
We leverage the “Return on Investment” concept to sculpt client benefits unique to their environment and circumstances. Although the basic principles of:

are generic, the sustainable application thereof is not.

Every institution, for instance, offers unique opportunities to improve quality, whilst reducing wastage. A sustainability view on key capital (asset) management will also prevent the exploitation of business resources for short term purposes.

Our methodologies not only endeavor to improve RoI for the immediate, but also encourage the establishment of mechanisms to ensure the sustainable effects of strategies and interventions.

For a more in depth discussion on this topic, we can be contacted at or at 083 2566 338

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